Brazil’s National Strategy (NS) is an ambitious agenda of the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy (GCoM) carried out between 2022 and 2024 to drive the implementation and progress of the GCoM in Brazil, thus enhancing climate action at the local level. In the context of its implementation, several elements stood out: a strong focus on the Amazon, attention to small and medium-sized cities, increasing the participation of women in climate change processes, and prioritizing stages from climate planning to implementation. Its main lines of action are related to technical assistance, project structuring, financing, reporting, training, synergies, and visibility.

NS’s activities were aligned with the work of the Delegation of the European Union in Brazil and other members of the National Consultative Committee. Its implementation was led by the Associação Brasileira de Municípios (ABM), the Frente Nacional de Prefeitas e Prefeitos (FNP), ICLEI-Brazil (ICLEI), and the Instituto Alziras (IA); National Coordinators of the GCoM in Brazil. This NS has provided direct support and technical assistance from the GCoM to 32 Brazilian cities.



* Data from April 2024



Raise awareness among signatory governments for effective implementation of GCoM commitments.


Strengthen the technical capacities of GCoM signatory cities in Brazil to achieve their targets.


Facilitate the implementation of innovative climate projects nationwide.


Increase the influence, visibility, and awareness of Brazil’s Global Covenant of Mayors.


Support Amazonian cities in their challenges.



  • Brasiléia /AC
  • Rio Branco /AC
  • Abaetetuba /PA
  • Barcarena /PA
  • Belém /PA
  • Cametá /PA
  • Parauapebas /PA
  • Formoso do Araguaia /TO
  • Palmas /TO


  • Carinhanha /BA
  • Lauro de Freitas /BA
  • Sobral /CE
  • Ibirajuba /PE
  • Igarassu /PE
  • Sirinhaém /PE
  • Jandaíra /RN
  • Indiaroba /SE
  • São Cristóvão /SE

Central West

  • Alexânia /GO
  • Campo Grande /MS
  • Cáceres /MT


  • Contagem /MG
  • Niterói /RJ
  • Quissamã /RJ
  • Barretos /SP
  • Cordeirópolis /SP
  • Francisco Morato /SP


  • Maringá /PR
  • Pelotas /RS
  • São Leopoldo /RS
  • São Sepé /RS
  • Joinville /SC


Since Brazil’s commitment to the GCoM until 2023, 159 cities have earned a total of 164 badges for their advancements in the climate sphere. Among these, 61 are in mitigation, 88 in adaptation, 7 in energy, and 8 are in full compliance with the GCoM. These 8 cities with compliance medals stand out for their efforts, commitment, and climate ambition: Fortaleza (CE), Recife (PE), Serra Talhada (PE), Salvador (BA), Belo Horizonte (MG), Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Curitiba (PR), and São Leopoldo (RS) (more information about the medals here).

Furthermore, Salvador (BA) and Serra Talhada (PE) represent Brazil in the GCoM‘s Latin American Mayors’ Forum.

On another note, Salvador (BA), Belo Horizonte (MG), Serra Talhada (PE), and Rio de Janeiro (RJ) were selected as part of the 15 Flagship Cities of Latin America in 2023, recognized by the Global Covenant of Mayors for their prominent role in the climate movement at the subnational level.

Within Brazil’s National Strategy, 32 cities received specific support: Abaetetuba (PA), Alexânia (GO), Barcarena (PA), Barretos (SP), Belém (PA), Brasiléia (AC), Cametá (PA), Campo Grande (MS), Cáceres (MT), Carinhanha (BA), Contagem (MG), Cordeirópolis (SP), Francisco Morato (SP), Formoso do Araguaia (TO), Ibirajuba (PE), Igarassu (PE), Indiaroba (SE), Jandaíra (RN), Joinville (SC), Lauro de Freitas (BA), Maringá (PR), Niterói (RJ), Palmas (TO), Parauapebas (PA), Pelotas (RS), Quissamã (RJ), Rio Branco (AC), São Cristóvão (SE), São Leopoldo (RS), São Sepé (RS), Sirinhaém (PE), and Sobral (CE).


Support for Amazonian cities

In the Amazonian context, the GCoM provided technical support for local climate action planning and to strengthen and integrate governance instances in preparation for COP 30.

The strategic partnership between the Pan-Amazonian Cities Forum (FCPA) and the GCoM represents a significant milestone in the joint effort to address the climate and energy challenges of the Amazon region. The GCoM’s workshops at the Barcarena and Porto Velho FCPA meetings aimed to raise awareness among Amazonian local governments to establish and strengthen their commitments to the climate agenda and the Alliance. They facilitated a broad exchange of experiences and opportunities among Amazonian cities from Colombia, Brazil, Peru, and Bolivia, and various institutions and projects operating in the Amazon region.

In Barcarena, within the framework of the 1st Regional ICLEI Amazonia Meeting, from August 1 to 3, 2022, the FCPA’s multisectoral event promoted horizontal dialogue and knowledge exchange on sustainable urban development among local governments from the Amazon region of various countries. The in-person session of the FCPA in Porto Velho, from October 17 to 19, 2023, highlighted the importance of municipalities’ qualified preparation of sustainable projects, aiming not only to ensure swift access to financing but also to ensure the success of actions.

The GCoM also provided technical support for establishing the foundations for effectively implementing Belém’s climate commitments through developing its Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory. As part of the commitment to ambitious climate action, this diagnosis allowed for a more detailed analysis of this Amazonian territory, mapping its profile and identifying opportunities to mitigate the effects of climate change. The launch of this instrument at the “Belém Towards COP-30: Inclusion and Popular Participation” panel during the 28th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP28) in Dubai marked a milestone in Belém’s journey towards a sustainable future.

These processes underpinned the development of the Guide for Amazonian Cities for the Elaboration of Greenhouse Gas Inventories, which seeks to support understanding of their emission profiles, establish baselines, and define mitigation strategies compatible with their Amazonian context.

In addition to the activity with Belém, 10 other cities in the Brazilian Amazon joined the City Support Strategy activity (more information on this activity below). Abaetetuba, Barcarena, Cáceres, and Formoso do Araguaia completed their inventories during the project monitoring period.

Training for Female Mayors and technical teams on Municipal Budgets and Climate Financing

The activity aimed to broaden women’s participation in climate change mitigation processes and enhance technical capacities for implementing climate actions at the local level in cities committed to the climate agenda and the GCoM in the country.

The awareness and training cycle kicked off during the 2nd National Meeting of Female Mayors—Women Leading the Way to a New Economy, held on September 25 and 26, 2023, in Brasilia (DF). Over 15 GCoM-signatory female mayors gathered to discuss crucial issues related to socioeconomic development, ecological transition, and gender and racial equality in Brazil. During this event, the guide “Climate Justice and Municipal Budgets” was launched, providing crucial guidance for integrating climate justice into municipal financial activity and governmental action planning.

Its technical training phase occurred during the “Climate Budget and Project Development ” workshop, which was held within the framework of the 4th National Meeting of Municipalities of the Associação Brasileira de Municípios (ABM). This session showcased municipal climate financing opportunities and highlighted ways to allocate resources for a just transition to a low-carbon economy. The workshop featured a session led by Michelle Ferreti, Director of the Instituto Alziras, specifically on “Climate Justice and Municipal Budgets,” emphasizing the importance of considering class and race inequalities in public budget planning.

The activities reflected how female Mayors can contribute to promoting climate justice and global sustainability through locally focused policies centered on people, equality, and environmental preservation. Therefore, it was crucial to equip technical teams with the necessary knowledge about key processes and stakeholders to secure funding for projects in climate and sustainable urban development areas.

Mentorship and Monitoring to Develop Financeable Energy Efficiency Projects

The activity was dedicated to inspiring and empowering cities in the field of energy transition, focusing on the theme of energy access and energy poverty promoted by the latest pillar of the GCoM.

Considering that one of the main obstacles in obtaining financing by local entities is the development of consistent projects for access to resources, the activity focused on mentoring and monitoring to structure financeable energy efficiency projects in Contagem/MG, São Cristóvão/SE, Abaetetuba/PA, and São Sepé/RS, cities selected by the National Consultative Committee.

The activity was carried out under the Cities Energy Transition Program (PTEC) through monitoring, bilateral meetings, and seven technical-financial training meetings on planning and developing renewable energy projects. During the PTEC meetings, topics such as energy transition and climate financing were addressed, among others.

Finally, the PTEC Innovation Meeting was held on November 27, 2023, a knowledge exchange between participating cities in the program and European and Brazilian companies to bring municipalities closer to solutions and opportunities along with business institutions, aiming to overcome obstacles to financing.

Technical Support for Small and Medium-Sized Signatory Cities

This activity was based on specialized assistance for 30 small and medium-sized cities selected by the National Consultative Committee to strengthen municipal technical capacities for accelerating the climate agenda. Support to cities was provided through individualized and specialized monitoring.

As key achievements, it is noteworthy that 13 municipalities completed their inventories, 12 reported their inventories on the CDP/ICLEI platform, and 10 received new recognition GCoM badges. In addition to these, the activity unfolded in the progress of 11 municipalities in developing their Climate Action Plans, the institutionalization of 10 Municipal Climate Action Working Groups, and the mapping and dissemination of best practices.

The activity leveraged the diversification of the profile of cities actively committed to the climate agenda and the GCoM in Brazil, focusing on the complementarity of metropolises and mobilizing medium and small cities. We congratulate the commitment of the involved cities: Abaetetuba, Alexânia, Barcarena, Barretos, Brasiléia, Cáceres, Cametá, Campo Grande, Carinhanha, Contagem, Cordeirópolis, Francisco Morato, Ibirajuba, Igarassu, Indiaroba, Jandaíra, Joinville, Lauro de Freitas, Maringá, Niterói, Palmas, Parauapebas, Pelotas, Quissamã, Rio Branco, Formoso do Araguaia, São Cristóvão, São Leopoldo, Sirinhaém, and Sobral.

Still, within the monitoring period, Francisco Morato, Abaetetuba, Barcarena, Cordeirópolis, Cáceres, Carinhanha, Sobral, Sirinhaém, and Jandaíra held launch events for their inventories as milestones in delivering these diagnostics to their respective municipal administrations and populations in their territories.

Advances recognition

The recognition ceremony for the awarded cities took place during the 4th National Meeting of Municipalities of the Associação Brasileira de Municípios (ABM). The event provided a unique opportunity to highlight the commitment and efforts of Brazilian cities in the fight against climate change through the official recognition of the awarded cities and encouragement to continue actions.

The certificate awards were presented at the end of the panel “Towards a Sustainable Brazil for COP 30” on November 7, 2023. This moment was an important celebration of the progress made by the GCoM Committed cities in Brazil, with the presence of mayors and municipal representatives.

During the recognition ceremony, certificates of progress in the climate journey and symbolic plants were presented to several Brazilian cities committed to the environmental cause. Among the recognized cities were Abaetetuba/PA, Barcarena/PA, Belém/PA, Cáceres/MT, Carinhanha/BA, Cordeirópolis/SP, Francisco Morato/SP, Jandaíra/RN, Palmas/TO, São Cristóvão, São Leopoldo/RS, Sirinhaém/PE, Serra Talhada/PE, Quissamã/RJ, Sobral/CE, and Formoso do Araguaia/TO.

Furthermore, certificates of the GCoM badges and symbolic plants were awarded to other cities that stood out in their environmental performance. Among them were Abaetetuba, Barcarena, Canoas, Cordeirópolis, Francisco Morato, Quissamã, São Cristóvão, São Leopoldo, and Serra Talhada. These cities were recognized for their exemplary commitment to the climate agenda, demonstrating leadership and concrete action in pursuing sustainable solutions for their territories.

The recognition for their commitment and efforts in combating climate change involved the presentation of certificates and plants, representing growth and renewal towards a more sustainable future. We trust that this milestone will serve as an inspiration and be further expanded as Brazilian municipalities continue to drive and prioritize this agenda.




* Documents pending approval; available soon.



In their role as National Coordinators, the Associação Brasileira de Municipios (ABM), Frente Nacional de Prefeitas e Prefeitos (FNP), ICLEI-Brazil (ICLEI), and the Instituto Alziras (IA) act as focal points for signatory municipalities in Brazil. They lead the formulation and implementation of the National GCoM Strategy in coordination with members of the National Consultative Committee. Additionally, they directly support municipalities for GCoM activities in the country (recruitment, technical support, participation in events, etc.) and chair the National Consultative Committee.

On the other hand, the National Consultative Committee brings together key actors in climate action in Brazil, including different levels of government, to enable dialogue on climate policies and programs. It is the working group where the national strategy is defined and monitored, seeking synergies among the different initiatives that support municipalities in the climate area. Please refer to our website for more information on the National Consultative Committee members and their activities.