Accompaniment and progress reports are essential to the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy (GCoM) initiative. The local government must inform (report) its progress to the GCoM to receive its “recognition medals” and have its profile updated on our regional and global websites. It is possible to report as progress is made in elaborating inventories, defining GHG reduction goals, analyzing climate risks and vulnerabilities, defining climate adaptation objectives, and planning climate actions in mitigation and adaptation in any order. For example, a city that has already defined adaptation actions may initiate its reporting process for this topic.
Once a local government has adhered to the GCoM and concluded the stages related to the assessment, definition, and planning of objectives/goals, the city must regularly monitor the progress in implementing two-year-long plans to achieve the established objectives and goals. From the beginning, a solid support system and schedule must be put in place, and it must be an integral part of two climate action plans adopted by the city. This also involves a clear mechanism for reviewing and updating two plans as necessary.
Each local city and authority accompanies implementing the climate action plan per the rules applied locally and the provisions identified in the plans. Subsequent progress reports are sent through two officially recognized reporting platforms:
– Unified system for presenting CDP-ICLEI reports
To learn more, see Chapter 8: Explanatory Guide to the Common Reporting Framework.