The videos below were recorded during the training workshops for National Coordinators (NCs) organized by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Union, in Lima (Peru) and San José (Costa Rica) in 2018. The aim of these workshops was to train the National Coordinators of selected countries, and the cities chosen in each of them (Flagship Cities) in the preparation of Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans (SECAPs) and in building capacity to support cities in producing them.
These training events are part of the strategy to support emblematic cities in developing their own SECAPs. By training NCs, we provide them with tools to oversee the development of SECAPs and to support other cities. An important part of the strategy involves creating a methodology and a roadmap (based on the approach followed by Flagship Cities to align their SECAPs with the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) of their respective countries) for other cities to develop their Plans in line with the NDCs.

Workshop Lima, Peru (21-23/08/2018)

Workshop San José, Costa Rica (28-31/08/2018)