Exchange Program for Peruvian Cities to Argentina and Chile
To promote opportunities for exchange and partnership with cities and regional partners, and to strengthen action models and share experiences on climate action, two exchange programs were organized for representatives of Peruvian municipalities that completed their CAPs as part of the diploma program developed under Peru’s National Strategy.
In 2023, representatives from the municipalities of Arequipa, Ate, Huanchaco (Trujillo), Lima, Nuevo Chimbote (Chimbote), Puente Piedra, and Santiago de Surco visited Argentina. In coordination with the national coordinator in Argentina, RAMCC, they visited the municipalities of Buenos Aires, Vicente López, and Rosario to gain and exchange knowledge about implementing successful experiences in response to shared climate risks.
In 2024, the same experience was replicated in Chile, in collaboration with the national coordinator in Chile, ACHM. Representatives from the municipalities of La Molina, Yura, Surquillo, Huanchaco, Huamanga, Santa (Chimbote), and Arequipa visited the Chilean municipalities of Peñalolén, Vitacura, and El Quisco. During the exchange, municipal representatives had the opportunity to observe local best practices on-site, as well as their implementation and outcomes.