The National Strategy (NS) of Peru is an ambitious agenda of the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy (GCoM), implemented between 2022 and 2024, aimed at driving the implementation and progress of the GCoM in Peru to strengthen local climate action. It was developed collaboratively with the National Coordinators (NC), who identified gaps and specific needs of Peruvian cities, with the goal of ensuring that the signatory cities and municipalities of the GCoM fulfill their commitments and that local climate actions advance effectively.

The activities of the National Strategy (NS) are aligned with the work of the Delegation of the European Union in Peru. Its implementation is led by the Foro de Ciudades para la Vida (FCV) and the National Association of Municipalities of Peru (AMPE), the National Coordinators of the GCoM in Peru. This NS has provided direct support for the development and updating of Local Climate Action Plans (PLACs) for Peruvian cities through its training activities.



* Data from April 2024



Support the completion and updating of existing Climate Action Plans during the IUC-LAC program.


Provide municipal officials with effective tools for the sustainable development of Local Climate Action Plans (CAPs).


Develop technical capacities to prioritize and integrate CAP measures into municipal planning and budgeting processes.


Enhance the influence and awareness of the GCoM in Peru, promoting the commitment of new cities.


  • Arequipa
  • Ate
  • Callao
  • Chiclayo
  • Chiclayo Provincia
  • Chimbote
  • Comas
  • Curahuasi
  • Cusco
  • Huamanga
  • Huanchaco
  • Independencia
  • Jesús Maria
  • La Molina
  • Lima
  • Lince
  • Magdalena del Mar
  • Maynas
  • Miraflores
  • Moche
  • Pasco
  • Piura
  • Puente Piedra
  • San Isidro
  • Santa Maria del Mar
  • Santiago de Surco
  • Sayán
  • Surquillo
  • Trujillo
  • Yura


Since Peru’s commitment to the GCoM, up to 2023, 49 cities have earned a total of 67 badges for their progress in climate action. Among these, 17 are in mitigation, 45 in adaptation, 2 in energy, and 3 are for full compliance with the GCoM. These 3 cities with compliance badges stand out for their efforts, commitment, and climate ambition: Lima, San Isidro, and Magdalena del Mar (more information about the badges here).

Additionally, Comas and Coronel Portillo represent Peru in the GCoM Latin America Mayors’ Forum.

As part of Peru’s National Strategy, 30 cities received specific support: Arequipa, Ate, Callao, Chiclayo, Chiclayo Province, Chimbote, Comas, Curahuasi, Cusco, Huamanga, Huanchaco, Independencia, Jesús Maria, La Molina, Lima, Lince, Magdalena del Mar, Maynas, Miraflores, Moche, Pasco, Piura, Puente Piedra, San Isidro, Santa Maria del Mar, Santiago de Surco, Sayán, Surquillo, Trujillo, and Yura.


Support for Updating and Developing Local Climate Action Plans (CAPs):

Technical support was provided to 30 municipalities to strengthen and consolidate their work on Local Climate Action Plans (CAPs). Support was also extended to an additional 16 municipalities with CAPs in advanced stages, initiated during the International Urban Cooperation (IUC) initiative.

Guide for Developing Local Climate Action Plans (CAPs) for Municipalities in the Peruvian Amazon:

As part of the National Strategy, a guide has been developed for the preparation of Climate Action Plans (CAPs) aimed at municipalities in the Peruvian Amazon region. This guide is designed to provide direction and training to these municipalities, helping them organize and establish local governance structures to effectively implement their CAPs. It supports prioritizing adaptation and mitigation measures to address climate change, completing their GHG inventories, and developing financing strategies for implementation.

Additionally, a complementary guide was created to link CAPs with municipal institutional planning. The goal is to facilitate the integration of prioritized measures into institutional planning instruments, such as the Institutional Strategic Plan (PEI), Institutional Operational Plan (POI), and Municipal Public Budget (PPM).

Virtual Diploma: “How to Develop Local Climate Action Plans in Peru”

With the goal of strengthening local capacities and providing municipal officials with effective tools for the development of Local Climate Action Plans (CAPs), ensuring a sustainable and effective ownership of this process, two training programs were conducted in 2023 and 2024 with the support of Peruvian universities: the National University of San Marcos (UNMSM) and the National University of Engineering (UNI). Both virtual diploma courses included postgraduate university certification for participants.

Participants who successfully presented their CAPs at the end of the diploma program received their certificates and reported their plans to CDP. As the CAPs are approved and published by the municipalities, they will become available to the public.

Exchange Program for Peruvian Cities to Argentina and Chile

To promote opportunities for exchange and partnership with cities and regional partners, and to strengthen action models and share experiences on climate action, two exchange programs were organized for representatives of Peruvian municipalities that completed their CAPs as part of the diploma program developed under Peru’s National Strategy.

In 2023, representatives from the municipalities of Arequipa, Ate, Huanchaco (Trujillo), Lima, Nuevo Chimbote (Chimbote), Puente Piedra, and Santiago de Surco visited Argentina. In coordination with the national coordinator in Argentina, RAMCC, they visited the municipalities of Buenos Aires, Vicente López, and Rosario to gain and exchange knowledge about implementing successful experiences in response to shared climate risks.

In 2024, the same experience was replicated in Chile, in collaboration with the national coordinator in Chile, ACHM. Representatives from the municipalities of La Molina, Yura, Surquillo, Huanchaco, Huamanga, Santa (Chimbote), and Arequipa visited the Chilean municipalities of Peñalolén, Vitacura, and El Quisco. During the exchange, municipal representatives had the opportunity to observe local best practices on-site, as well as their implementation and outcomes.

Strengthening Impact, Presence, and Recognition

The development of all activities within the framework of the National Strategy focused on increasing the influence, visibility, and recognition of the GCoM in the country. This approach helped promote the commitment of new cities while highlighting the achievements of municipalities already part of the GCoM. As a result, 22 new commitments were secured, along with 6 additional letters of commitment and three technical articles.

Additionally, as part of this strategy, 28 summary sheets of Local Climate Action Plans (CAPs) and three specialized articles on the topic were developed. These materials not only strengthen the dissemination of local climate actions but also provide valuable tools to inspire other cities to join the GCoM and advance in the fight against climate change.




* Documents pending approval; available soon.



In their role as National Coordinators the Foro de Ciudades para la Vida and the National Association of Municipalities of Peru act as the focal point for signatory municipalities in Peru. They lead the formulation and implementation of the GCoM’s National Strategy. In their role, they also provide direct support to municipalities as part of the GCoM’s activities in the country (recruitment, technical support, participation in events, etc.).

National Coordinators:

Members of the National Advisory Committee:
(Not established)