The National Strategy (NS) aims to promote the implementation and advancement of the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy (GCoM Americas) in Colombia. It is dedicated to driving progress in local climate action. Its goal is to support municipal governments in implementing climate actions and defining key objectives to address local realities. Its main lines of action are developing climate planning instruments, financing, training, providing technical support to Amazonian cities, and visibility.

The Asocapitales (Colombian Association of Capital Cities), FCM (Colombian Federation of Municipalities), and ICLEI-Colombia (ICLEI) serve as the National Coordinators of the GCoM, supporting the implementation of its agenda in Colombia. Additionally, these activities of the Global Covenant of Mayors were developed together with the National Consultative Committee of the GCoM, composed of institutions representing different spheres of government and international institutions, and financed by the European Union.



  • * Data from April 2024



Develop the technical capacity of member municipalities of the Global Covenant of Mayors in Colombia.


Provide training and capacity building on local climate planning.


Increase the influence, visibility, and awareness of the Global Covenant of Mayors in Colombia.


Assist Amazonian cities in addressing climate and energy challenges.


  • Beteitiva *
  • Busbanza *
  • Corrales *
  • Florencia
  • Floresta *
  • Gámeza *
  • Mongua *
  • Monguí *
  • Tópaga *
  • Villavicencio

* Cities belonging to the Functional Territorial Region of Climate Change (RFTCC, in Spanish) in the department of Boyacá, Colombia.


Since Colombia’s first commitment to the GCoM until now, in 2024, 43 cities have earned a total of 80 badges for their climate advancements. Among them, 26 are for mitigation, 45 for adaptation, and 5 for full compliance with the GCoM’s requirements. These five compliant cities stand out for their effort, commitment, and climate ambition: Bogotá, Medellín, Cartagena de Indias, Envigado, and La Estrella (more information about the badges here).

Additionally, the city of Tópaga represents Colombia in the GCoM’s Mayors’ Forum of Latin America.

Furthermore, in 2023, Cartagena de Indias was selected as one of the 15 Latin American Flagship Cities recognized by the GCoM for their leadership in the subnational climate movement.

Ten cities have received specific support within Colombia’s National Strategy: Beteitiva, Busbanza, Corrales, Florencia, Floresta, Gámeza, Mongua, Monguí, Tópaga, and Villavicencio.



Development of Greenhouse Gas Inventories

Our initiative focuses on the design, development, and updating of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) inventories in various municipalities of Colombia. To promote effective climate action based on accurate data, we have implemented the MADS Methodology, developed by WWF, to elaborate Local GHG Inventories.

As part of this activity, we have committed to preparing at least 10 inventories in different regions of the country, with a special focus on the Functional Territorial Region of Climate Change (RFTCC, in Spanish) in the department of Boyacá and in two capital cities, Florencia and Villavicencio.

  1. In the RFTCC of Boyacá, we have worked closely with the municipalities of Tópaga, Gameza, Mongui, Mongua, Corrales, Busbanza, Floresta, and Beteitiva to develop accurate inventories that reflect GHG emissions in these communities. This collaboration has allowed us to better understand each municipality’s specific needs and challenges in fighting climate change.
  2. Furthermore, we have extended our reach to the capital cities of Florencia, located in the Amazon region of Colombia, and Villavicencio. These cities play a crucial role in preserving local ecosystems and mitigating climate change, so accurate inventories are essential to guide climate actions in these important urban areas.

Our goal was to provide these municipalities with the necessary tools and knowledge to understand and reduce their GHG emissions, thereby contributing to constructing a more sustainable and resilient future for all.

Development of Climate Action Plans in Colombia’s RFTCC

As part of our commitment to climate action in Colombia, we have provided technical assistance to review, update, and finalize comprehensive climate action plans in mitigation for the municipalities of the Functional Territorial Region of Climate Change (RFTCC, in Spanish).

In collaboration with the municipalities of Tópaga, Gameza, Monguí, Mongua, Corrales, Busbanza, Floresta, and Beteitiva, located in the department of Boyacá, we are developing Local Climate Action Plans (LCAPs) tailored to each community’s specific needs and challenges. These plans focus on mitigating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and strengthening resilience to climate change, with the aim of building a more sustainable and secure future for all.

Our approach is based on the active participation of local authorities, civil society, and other key stakeholders in formulating effective and realistic strategies. We recognize the importance of addressing climate challenges comprehensively, considering not only emissions reduction but also adaptation to the inevitable impacts of climate change.

By working closely with local communities, we ensure that these climate action plans reflect the needs and aspirations of the population, thus promoting a sense of ownership and commitment to their implementation. Additionally, we have provided ongoing training and technical support to ensure that these municipalities have the necessary tools and knowledge to carry out their plans effectively.

Development of the Climate Action Plan in Florencia

As part of the GCoM Americas project, we have closely collaborated with the cities of Florencia and Villavicencio to develop comprehensive Local Climate Action Plans (LCAPs) for each municipality. Our work has focused on understanding and addressing the cities’ greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, identifying critical areas such as the agricultural sector, transportation, and energy. Our analysis has revealed the urgency of focusing efforts on key sectors to effectively reduce GHG emissions and promote sustainability.

Developing Climate Action Plans in Florencia and Villavicencio is not just a technical exercise but a collective commitment that involves interinstitutional collaboration. We have worked closely with key stakeholders to ensure the integration of climate action into the city’s strategic agenda. Our goal is to establish an institutional framework that ensures the execution of coordinated activities and the continuity of the plan through municipal agreements or decrees.


About the Functional Territorial Region of Climate Change

The Functional Territorial Region of Climate Change (RFTCC, in Spanish) was established in 2019 as part of the technical support provided by the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy to the municipality of Tópaga, in the department of Boyacá, Colombia. Comprised of the municipalities of Tópaga, Monguí, Mongua, Gámeza, Corrales, Busbanzá, Betéitiva, and Floresta, the RFTCC was conceived as a catalyst for local governments to effectively address the cross-cutting challenges of development, focused on climate change.

Joint Commitment to the Environment

These eight municipalities have joined forces to develop their Greenhouse Gas Inventories and Climate Action Plans. Both align with the National Strategy of the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy in Colombia. ICLEI-Colombia is the technical coordinator and chairs the National Consultative Committee (NCC). Alongside ICLEI, the Asocapitales (Colombian Association of Capital Cities) and the FCM (Colombian Federation of Municipalities) also form part of the NAC and make climate action possible in these signatory municipalities of the Global Covenant of Mayors, thanks to the support of the European Union.

Shared Results and Challenges

During the presentation, the eight Climate Action Plans were highlighted, emphasizing the results and processes from the inventory elaboration to plan formulation. Given the region’s dependence on mining, significant challenges were identified, including emissions reduction and responsible accompaniment of mining activity in harmony with the needs of the population and the territory.

Continued Commitment in Times of Change

The presentation combined technical and political aspects. Colombia experienced regional elections in 2023, resulting in a change in local authorities who took office in 2024. Despite this transition, these municipalities persisted in their strong commitment to driving the results of these climate action plans.


This initiative focused on strengthening the technical capacities of Colombian cities in local climate change management. Through a series of virtual training and capacity-building activities, we aimed to empower local actors to tackle climate challenges and develop effective and sustainable responses.

Capacity Building in Greenhouse Gas Inventory Development

We offered a virtual training in Spanish open to all GCoM cities in Colombia. This training was tailored to the “MADS GHG Inventory Guide” methodology and aimed to provide cities with the necessary tools to develop high-quality greenhouse gas inventories. Additionally, we had the active participation of leading cities like Tópaga and Villavicencio, who shared their best practices and experiences within the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy.

Capacity Building in the Formulation of Mitigation Climate Action Plans

Another important initiative is the virtual training on formulating Mitigation Climate Action Plans tailored to the Colombian context. This training, which began on April 17, was open to all GCoM cities in Colombia and had the participation of the cities of Leticia and Pasto. Additionally, specific training was conducted with a focus on the Amazonian Cities, where the city of Florencia shared its experience within the GCoM.

Training Modules

Introductory Module

This module introduced the AVA (Assisted Virtual Learning) training, establishing the conceptual foundations of climate change and presenting the international regulatory framework related to climate action. It also provided an overview of the topics to be addressed during the course.

Module 1: Analyze

In this module, a comprehensive analysis of the current situation regarding climate change was conducted. Secondary information was collected, needs were identified, and involved actors were analyzed. Additionally, greenhouse gas inventories were studied, and a Climate Risk and Vulnerability Analysis (CRVA) was conducted.

Module 2: Act Part 1

This module focused on planning actions to address climate change. A strategic vision was developed, and priority actions were detailed. An evaluative activity was conducted to ensure the effectiveness of the proposed actions.

Module 3: Act Part 2

Aspects related to financing, implementation, and monitoring of climate actions were addressed in this module. The PIGCCT Guide (Comprehensive Plan for Climate Change and Territory Management) was presented, and challenges and opportunities for plan execution were discussed. Indicators for monitoring and evaluating climate actions were established.

Module 4: Accelerate

In this final module, efforts were made to scale up climate actions through governance schemes and institutionalizing climate action plans in regulations. Lessons learned, and examples of pilot projects for adaptation and mitigation measures were presented, with a special focus on the Amazon. Live sessions were held to discuss implementing climate action plans, and recommendations for future actions were provided.


To consolidate the impact of the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy in Colombia, several activities have been implemented to increase its influence, visibility, and knowledge in the country.

Significant Experiences Playbook

A systematization of lessons learned and significant experiences on local climate action was conducted. This activity included gathering information about at least one municipality and one capital city. In the case of Colombian cities, highlights include Medellín as a capital city and the Functional Territorial Region of Climate Change (RFTCC, in Spanish) in the department of Boyacá, which includes cities like Tópaga, Gameza, Mongui, Mongua, Corrales, Busbanza, Floresta, and Beteitiva.

Production of Dissemination Content

Event Organization

Two events were organized to promote the Global Covenant of Mayors and give visibility to Colombia’s most advanced cities in terms of climate action. These high-level events involved the participation of mayors and local authorities. One event occurred within the framework of the FCM’s Congress of the Colombian Municipalities in Cartagena de Indias in 2023, while the other event focused on Amazonian cities and was held in Florencia in 2024 as part of the Pan-Amazonian Cities Forum. These events served as important platforms for knowledge exchange, collaboration, and strengthening the network of municipalities committed to climate action in Colombia.



In their role as National Coordinators, the Colombian Association of Capital Cities (Asocapitales), the Colombian Federation of Municipalities (FCM), and ICLEI-Colombia (ICLEI) serve as focal points for the signatory municipalities in Colombia. They lead the formulation and implementation of the National Strategy of the GCoM in coordination with the members of the National Consultative Committee. They also directly support municipalities within the framework of the GCoM’s activities in the country (recruitment, technical support, participation in events, etc.) and chair the National Consultative Committee. Additionally, ICLEI-Colombia acts as the GCoMt’s Technical Coordinator in Colombia. 

On the other hand, the National Consultative Committee brings together key actors in Colombia from different levels of government to facilitate dialogue on climate action policies and programs. It is the working group where the national strategy is defined and monitored, and synergies are sought among different initiatives that support municipalities in the climate area. Learn more about the members of the National Consultative Committee and the activities they carry out.