The Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy is an alliance that rallies the collective power of many stakeholders to drive local climate action. This alliance dynamic is organized around a global governance structure, which enables the establishment of governance frameworks at the regional and national levels in Latin America. By setting up this structure, various mechanisms have been created to bring together key climate action actors at different levels, assigning them specific roles within the alliance. This approach aims to generate greater coherence among the GCoM’s global, regional, national, and local strategies through the active participation of its key actors.


National Coordinators
The National Coordinators serve as points of contact for the signatory municipalities in each of the eight countries where they are present (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, and Peru). They lead the formulation and implementation of the GCoM’s National Strategy in their countries in coordination with their National Advisory Committee members. They also directly support municipalities within the context of GCoM activities in their country (recruitment, technical support, participation in events, etc.) and chair the National Advisory Committee. The Regional Secretariat periodically organizes meetings among the Coordinators to promote exchanging knowledge and experiences among the countries.
National Consultative Committees
National Consultative Committees have been established in eight Latin American countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, and Peru). They bring together key actors in climate action in each country (including different levels of government, municipal associations, civil society organizations, etc.) to facilitate dialogue on climate action policies and programs. This is the working group where the GCoM’s national strategy is defined and monitored, and synergies are sought between different initiatives supporting municipalities in the climate arena.
Find out who supports the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy in each participant Latin American country
National Coordinator
National Consultative Committee:
(has not been established)
National Coordinators:
- ABM (Associação Brasileira de Municípios)
- FNP (Frente Nacional de Prefeitos)
- Instituto Alziras
National Consultative Committee:
- Delegação da União Europeia no Brasil
- ABM (Associação Brasileira de Municípios)
- FNP (Frente Nacional de Prefeitos)
- ICLEI (Chair of the National Consultative Committee)
- Instituto Alziras
National Coordinator:
National Consultative Committee:
- Delegación de la Unión Europea en Chile
- (AChM) Asociación Chilena de Municipalidades (Chair of the National Consultative Committee)
- CEPAL (Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe de las Naciones Unidas)
- MinEnergía (Ministerio de la Energía del Chile)
- MINVU (Ministerio de Vivienda y Urbanismo)
- MMA (Ministerio del Medio Ambiente)
- PNUD (Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo)
- Subdere (Subsecretaría de Desarrollo Regional y Administrativo)
- WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature)
National Coordinators:
- ASOCAPITALES (Asociación Colombiana de Ciudades Capitales)
- FCM (Federación Colombiana de Municipalidades)
- ICLEI Colômbia
National Consultative Committee:
- Delegación de la Unión Europea en Colombia
- APC (Agencia Colombiana de Cooperación Internacional)
- ASOCAPITALES (Asociación Colombiana de Ciudades Capitales)
- C40
- Departamento Nacional de Planeación
- Departamento Nacional de Planeación, Asuntos Internacionales
- Dirección de Cambio Climático, Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible
- FCM (Federación Colombiana de Municipalidades)
- FINDETER (Financiera de Desarrollo)
- ICLEI Colombia
- Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible
- Ministerio de Minas y Energía
- Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores
- Oficina de Planeación y Gestión Internacional, Ministerio de Minas y Energía
- ONU-Habitat
- WWF Colombia
National Coordinators:
National Consultative Committee:
- Delegación de la Unión Europea en Costa Rica
- ANAI (Asociación Nacional de Alcaldías e Intendencias)
- CNE (Comisión Nacional de Prevención de Riesgos y Atención de Emergencias)
- Dirección de Cambio Climático, Ministerio de Ambiente y Energía
- Foro de Alcaldes del Pacto Global de Alcades por el Clima y la Energía (representative)
- IFAM (Instituto de Fomento y Asesoría Municipal)
- MIDEPLAN (Ministerio de Planificación Nacional y Política Económica)
- MIVAH (Ministerio de Vivienda y Urbanismo)
- RREE (Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto)
- Red de Juventudes y Cambio Climático de Costa Rica
- GIZ Acción Clima
- Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD) – Costa Rica
- UNGL (Unión Nacional de Gobiernos Locales) (Chair of the National Consultative Committee)
- UNA (Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica) (Chair of the National Consultative Committee)
National Coordinator:
National Consultative Committee:
National Coordinator:
National Consultative Committee:
(has not been established)
National Coordinator:
National Consultative Committee:
- Delegación de la Unión Europea en México
- AMIMP (Asociación Mexicana de Institutos Municipales de Planeación)
- Colmex El Colegio de México, A.C.Programa LEAD México
- Consejo de Cambio Climático
- GIZ México
- IMEPLAN Guadalajara (Instituto de Planeación y Gestión del Desarollo)
- INECC (Instituto Nacional de Ecología y Cambio Climático)
- ICM (Iniciativa Climática México)
- SDS de Yucatán (Secretaría de Desarrollo Sustentable del Estado de Yucatán)
- SEDATU (Secretaría de Desarrollo Agrario, Territorial y Urbano del México)
- SEMADET de Jalisco ( Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo Territorial de Jalisco)
- SEMARNAT (Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales del México)
- WRI México
- WWF México

Regional Steering Committee
The committee brings together key actors in local climate action with regional coverage in Latin America, who share responsibilities within the alliance. Together, they shape GCoM’s strategy for the Latin American region, considering national priorities identified by each country. They are responsible for monitoring and tracking the regional progress of the GCoM. Additionally, the Committee is tasked with translating the alliance’s global initiatives into regional efforts and sharing the regional vision globally through participation in various global alliance forums. It also serves as a hub for information exchange, seeking synergies and collaboration among organizations.
The Regional Steering Committee members are the Delegation of the European Union in Brazil, C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, CDP, Cidades e Governos Locais Unidos – CGLU (FLACMA), Mercocidades, ICLEI América do Sul, ICLEI MECS and the mayor representing Latin America on the GCoM Global Board (currently Carolina Basualdo, from Despeñaderos, Argentina).

Regional Secretariat of the GCoM
It’s the regional operational body of the GCoM, providing support to all governance instances, coordinating technical work to assist municipalities, establishing collaboration agreements with other entities, and being responsible for communication and visibility of the alliance’s work in Latin America. The Secretariat directly engages with municipalities in the region through the Helpdesk. It also closely coordinates with the GCoM Global Secretariat.
The Helpdesk is a support mechanism for cities, assisting local governments and authorities at different stages of their commitment to the GCoM. As part of its services, the Helpdesk guides new municipalities willing to join the alliance and responds to administrative, technical, and/or institutional questions and requests from cities and partners. It works in conjunction with the Regional Secretariat.
Mayors Forum
This Forum brings together GCoM mayors from different countries in Latin America who stand out for their work and commitment to climate action. The aim is to ensure a city-led approach to GCoM’s strategy and support priorities in Latin America.
With the participation of 14 mayors from eight countries, the Forum members act as spokespersons for the alliance community, giving greater visibility to the signatories’ ambitious climate action in the region.
Carolina Basualdo, Mayor of Despeñaderos, Argentina, chairs the forum and represents the Latin American region on the GCoM Global Board.


Global Board
The Board brings together GCoM mayors representing different regions of the world and city networks, aiming to ensure that the GCoM alliance is led by cities. The Board members collaborate with mayors in different regions of the world to recruit new signatories, support initiatives of municipalities that have already joined, and contribute to strategic discussions and identification of priorities for the GCoM. Mayor Carolina Basualdo (Despeñaderos, Argentina) represents Latin America on the Board.
Strategic Advisory Committee
This committee comprises representatives from founding global and European city networks, regional/National Covenants, organizations serving on the Board as ex-officio members, and other key partners to the GCoM alliance. It aims to strengthen the entire GCoM alliance through a robust strategic vision by bolstering global governance and streamlining decisions stemming from the technical working groups. ICLEI South America participates in the Committee representing Latin America.
Global Secretariat
Established in Brussels, it is the operational body of the GCoM at the global level while also providing support to national and regional covenants. The Secretariat promotes coordination among the numerous key actors of the alliance, especially city networks, around five technical working groups focused on: global and regional coherence; data management, monitoring, and reporting; climate finance; communication; research; and innovation.
For more information on the global governance of the GCoM, you can visit our website.