The expression green-blue weave seeks to translate the connection of spaces in a metropolitan context, valuing diversity and contributing to the improvement of environmental quality. Is an network springs, water bodies, conservation areas and other areas of relevant environmental interest that already exist or are proposed, interconnected according to principles of connectivity, also incorporating road axes, collective use equipment, free public spaces , urban parks, empty areas and degraded areas potentially liable to recovery, revegetation or landscape treatment.
These areas reinforce a cultural identity in the territory and promote access to nature, creating opportunities for leisure, tourism and social coexistence. This conjunction of water and abundant nature also protects areas of agricultural production and cultural environmental complexes of metropolitan interest .
For decades, the Costa Rican capital, San José, has been working on climate action. A series of actions to repopulate the city with different species have been incorporated into institutional planning and its green-blue plot was, well, being strengthened. Were established planning projects, recovery, design and construction of parks and green areas so that results in friendly, safe and functional spaces.
“The proposal is to convert the capital into a sustainable, green, planned and inclusive city”, emphasizes Mayor Johnny Araya.

Municipality of San José
Afforestation of avenues with blooming trees embellishes the city. Photo: Municipality of San José
With the Project of urban forestry: parks, streets and avenues of municipal administration , the goal is to plant 2500 trees a year, with at least 25 different species, suited to the needs of each space. The final goal is to plant 10,000 trees in parks, green areas and sidewalks. In addition, more than 7 thousand trees must be planted as part of the ecological rehabilitation process in areas of river micro-basins, according to the Municipal Development Plan (2017-2020).
In addition to resume the landscape and environmental value of the city, through tree species planting programs, the short and medium term will bring beauty, color and milder temperatures , the city reforestation also expands the interconnection of c orredores b iológicos i nterurbanos , strengthening the health of the environment.
Threats related to bodies of water are also a reality. Among them stand out threats caused by human action, such as deforestation and pollution of waterways; and hydro meteorological threats, such as landslides and floods caused by rivers and ditches and obstruction of rain systems.
The social and cultural dynamics of the population – their economic needs – have led some areas susceptible to flooding and landslides to being ocuppy by informal or squatter settlements. In these cases, the Municipality states that “Work to raise awareness and train the population to minimize the effects of floods and safeguard the lives of its inhabitants”.
In this sense, several work fronts have been faced. The city has set goals to be able to increase adaptive capacity in the face of the impacts that climate change presents. Thus, hundreds of kilometers and sgotos rainwater have been optimized, the hydraulic capacity of drainage systems have been enhanced and restraint systems have been installed to reduce the surface flow and thus contain the flooding.
Efforts were also made to reduce the share of solid waste destined for landfills, for which a center for the collection of recoverable materials was set up and routes were defined for the collection of this waste. In the same way, we sought to promote the composting of organic waste and obtain byproducts rich in nutrients to also feed the trees planted in the city.

Municipality of San José
With the work of expanding the long-distance biological corridors, it is expected to connect the riverside areas with more green areas within the canton and to add other areas for the use of bicycles, pedestrian areas and connection with public transport points.