The Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy (GCoM) fully recognizes the socio-economic, political and geographical impacts that the COVID-19 pandemic is causing on communities around the world. As cities and local governments develop sustainable recovery plans, the GCoM is committed to making the reporting process more flexible during 2020. The CDP-ICLEI Unified Reporting System is open and actively receiving reports for the 2020 cycle, and invites cities to submit reports if they have the capacity to do so.
Cities that report to the CDP-ICLEI Unified Information System can do it at any time until December 31, 2020. However, by submitting their information until October 31, they will guarantee the possibility of making revisions and inclusions if necessary to receive the corresponding recognition.
The Pact will not penalize cities that do not report in 2020, in other words, they will keep the medals won in the 2019 reporting cycle. In any case, we encourage cities committed to the Pact to report their current climate situation and progress of your municipality in climate action through the official reporting platform of the Pact, as part of its commitment to this global alliance of local leaders in the fight against climate change.
If you have any questions or questions, please contact us through the emails: [email protected] or [email protected].