The Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy in Latin America and the Caribbean presents their new virtual library, with the objective of hosting hundreds of documents of interest to cities that wish to be involved in the fight against climate changes. The virtual library seeks to be a reference space where the information that drives the transformation of cities into healthier and more sustainable environments is concentrated, developing transformations that lead to the well-being of their citizens. The library will have a search engine where you can filter the resources contained in it and will also have a section with highlighted documents where the materials that the program wishes to highlight would be located.
Currently, more than three dozen materials can be found in the library, including the cities’ adaptation, mitigation and climate action plans, developed by the Argentine Network of Municipalities against Climate Change (RAMCC), guides on how to develop climate action plans ( SECAP), such as the one developed by the Joint Research Center (JRC), and books on best practices, such as the one developed by the IUC-LAC, and many others materials.
The library already has resources from major international organizations such as ONU-Habitat, Adelphi, C40, GIZ, WRI, Global Covenant of Mayors and Adapt Chile, which the program usually works. The idea is that the consultation space is continuously fed thanks to the contribution of government teams in cities committed to the fight against climate change, and institutions and partner organizations of the program in different countries, thereby multiplying its reach.